Microsoft OneNote
Microsoft OneNote can be used to organise lessons, resources, etc. It can also be used as a tool for display; or it can organise your work for sharing with the class.
Student portfolios
Student assignments, work samples, assessments, etc. are saved in a OneNote notebook for easy access and sharing and can follow the student from year to year. Keep in mind that students can record audio/video directly to OneNote. This could be extremely valuable in language classes where audio is a regular part of the assessment process.
Teacher portfolio
You can use OneNote as classroom evidence of teaching practices or student work/assessment. OneNote is a great tool to organise audio, video, lesson plans, work samples, professional readings/responses, etc. You could create tabs for each standard and add pages of content to demonstrate how these standards are met.
Recently, the Year 9 Staff were trained in Microsoft OneNote. This was followed up with a PD session for all Year 9 students. The feedback from staff and students has been fantastic.
As we move towards a 1:1 computing environment, software programs like OneNote will play a vital role in assisting users to better organise and manage their data.
If you would further information about OneNote or interested in organising PD for your department, please don't hesitate to contact the ITS Department.